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These notes summarise each topic taught in Finance Law and are extremely useful for the exam. Topics include: 1. Introduction to the regulatory framework of banking in Australia 2. Regulating the banker-customer relationship 3. The GFC and Banking Regulation 4. Post GFC: Regulation of Banking in Australia: Reforms and Challenges I: Post-GFC Reforms and the Royal Commission 5. Post GFC: Regulation of Banking in Australia: Reforms and Challenges II: Fin Tech 6. Introduction to Property Law 7. Forms of Lending and Types of Securities 8. Lending, Securities and Mortgages 9. Australian Personal Property Securities Law 10. Methods of Lending: Consumer Lending 11. Methods of Lending: Cheques 12. Methods of Lending: Electronic Banking


Semester 1, 2019

77 pages

30,902 words



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Monash, Clayton

Member since

December 2018