
Both notes are: - Set out by lecture/topic - Up to date with the most recent legislative changes! (Reform occurred in 2017) - Enabled me to achieve a HD FULL COURSE NOTES are all inclusive and extremely comprehensive. All relevant legislation and cases are included - this accounts for a significant proportion of the word count. Contents: Lecture 1: Introduction to CLAW 2205 and Overview of the Competition and Consumer Act Lecture 2: Introduction to Australian Consumer Law – Consumer Guarantees Lecture 3: Statutory Misrepresentation - Misleading or Deceptive Conduct Lecture 4: Unconscionable Conduct Lecture 5: Unfair Contract Terms Lecture 6: Product Safety (Not Examinable) Lecture 7: Introduction to Competition Law Lecture 8: Cartels Lecture 9: Misuse of Market Power Lecture 10: Exclusive Dealing and Resale Price Maintenance Lecture 11: Anti-Competitive Mergers, Authorisation & Enforcement SUMMARY NOTES only include examinable topics and have been written in ‘template form’. I applied this template in the final exam - enabled me to maximise time and ensure I covered everything! Included in the Sample Notes: Lecture 1 (Full Course Notes) & s18 of Misleading and Deceptive Conduct (Summary Notes)


Semester 1, 2019

166 pages

60,000 words



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USYD, Camperdown/Darlington

Member since

February 2018