Subject notes for Deakin MLL424
I received a HD in the assignment and in the overall subject. These notes are a compilation of lecture materials, cases, legislation, the study guide, and weekly readings. The notes cover all topics that are assessed in the exam as well as the assignment topic. Throughout the notes, there are summaries and analyses of cases, legislation, examples, and tips for the exam and assignment. I have also included very helpful Topic Summaries at the end of the notes which outline key points, themes, rules and can be used as a guideline for answering exam questions -- which are incredibly helpful for studying for the exam. TOPIC LIST: 1. Introduction to Administrative Law 2. Introduction to Judicial Review 3. Introduction to Grounds of Review & Procedural Fairness 4. Determining the Scope of the Power 5. Improper Exercise of Power 6. Consequences of Unlawful Action 7. Jurisdictional Error and Limits on Judicial Review 8. Merits Review and Administrative Review Tribunals 9. Ombudsman and Freedom of Information
Trimester 1, 2019
141 pages
78,700 words
Deakin, Melbourne Burwood
Member since
March 2014