
Separated into weeks, each topic has a detailed definition and further explanation or real-life example. Topics in notes: 9/11 Civil War State failure separatist Irredentist Proxy wars Insurgency Asymmetric warfare Terrorism extremists coercion provocation Spoiling outbidding International/foreign Trade Comparative advantage Absolute advantage Heckscher-Ohlin trade theory Protectionism Trade barriers Tariff Quantitative restriction (quota) Nontariff barriers to trade Stolper-Samuelson theorem Ricardo-Viner (specific factors) model Reciprocity World Trade Organisation General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) Regional trade agreements (RTAs) Portfolio investment Sovereign lending Foreign direct investment (FDI) World bank Recession Depression Default Austerity International Monetary Fund (IMF) Multinational corporation (MNC) Bilateral investment treaty Less developed countries (LCDs) Infrastructure Primary products Terms of trade Import-substituting industrialisation (ISI) Export oriented industrialisation (EOI) Washington consensus Commodity cartels Economic development Resource curse Developed countries VS poorer countries International law Customary international law Obligation Precision Delegation Norms Norms entrepreneurs Transnational advocacy network (TAN) Norms life cycle Boomerang model International organisation Human Rights Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) International Bill of Rights Nonderogable Rights Individual petition International criminal court Human rights conventions Migration Refugees Ozone layer Global climate change Cap-and-trade Vienna convention Montreal Protocol Collective action problem How do we explain change in the international system? Weapons of mass destruction Nuclear Weapons China US Relations Economic globalisation Global governance


Semester 1, 2017

24 pages

8,774 words


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