
I tutor this subject, and have an excellent understanding of this unit. The unit is very complex, and can be hard to make clear sense of. I have arranged the notes to be easy to follow, understand and memorise. As the exam is closed book, I prepared for all topics except for 3-6 as that was what the assignment was based on and I figured that they were not likely to ask questions on those topics again (I was right!). These notes cover in detail Topics 1, 2, 7, 8, and 9. Also included is Revision and Answer Plans. By using these notes to prepare for the exam, I was in a very comfortable position on the exam day. I could have answered all of the questions, as each of them came from the topics noted above. I hope they are helpful to you also :) Included in these notes are topics- 1- Intro to Admin Law 2- Sources of Judicial Review & Standing 7- Limits on Judicial Review (Privative Clauses) 8- Merits Review & Administrative Tribunals 9- Ombudsman & Information Disclosure BONUS- REVIEW OF TOPICS ANSWER PLANS!!


Semester 1, 2018

62 pages

26,427 words



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Deakin, Melbourne Burwood

Member since

October 2014

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