High Distinction Notes for 70327 Commercial Law 2018/2019 (Summer)
Subject notes for UTS 70327
The notes are comprehensive and include not just textbook notes but also notes from seminar disucssion, lecture slides, problem questions and feedback from assignment. Red and Blue highlighters are used to emphasise the really improtant stuff. The notes follow a step by step process for the final exam and are really easy to navigate when solving fact/scenario based questions. The topics covered include: 1. Sale of Goods Act 2. Bailment 3. Australian Consumer Law 4. PPSA 5. International Commercial Law. Sample Notes contain a Contest List and first few pages of SOGA notes. The PPSA, SOGA and ACL are the three acts that will be tested in the final exam, and questions may be from Bailment or International Commercial Law.
Summer session, 2018
121 pages
60,000 words
UTS, Broadway & Markets
Member since
February 2017