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These notes are the complete package. Compiled from readings, LSS tutorials, faculty tutorials, lectures and revision seminars they cover the entire course and are perfect for an exam. The author of these notes got a HD in the exam taking in only these notes. The notes are broken down by topic and make great use of colour for headings and subheadings. Each topic is concluded with all the cases broken down into name, issue, facts and outcome. All legislation is re-written in plain english. The topics covered are: termination by agreement, termination for breach, delay, repudiation, restrictions on the right to terminate, consequences of affirmation and termination, damages, specific performance, injunction, equitable damages, liquidated damages/penalties, restitution, action for debt, frustration of contracts, duress, undue influence, unconscionable dealing, third party impropriety, remedies for vitiating factors, statutory unconscionability, misleading and deceptive conduct, remedies or statutory vitiating factors,


Semester 2, 2018

129 pages

27,610 words



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