
These notes are set up as a checklist style that includes sentence starters to slot straight into your exam. They are either labelled 'Exam' or 'ss:' These notes cover the following topics: Concepts of Property Property rights v Contractual rights Recognition of New Property Types Classification of Property Doctrine of Fixtures Tenant Fixtures Possessory Title Adverse Possession Running of Time Torrens System Tenure, Estates and Goods Life Estates Gifts of Goods Leasehold Interests Types of Leases Essential Characteristics of a Lease Types of License Formal Requirements for Creating Leases Leases + Adverse Possession Leasehold Covenants Express covenants Implied covenants Assignment of Leases Original Tenant Assignee of Tenancy Reversioner Assignment Touch and Concern Test Consequences Land Transfer and Formalities Regulation of Land Sales Equitable and Legal Title Easements Essential Characteristics Creation Scope Enforceability Removal or Change Profits a Prendre Creation Enforceability Variation and Removal Restrictive Covenants Elements Creation Removal and Variation Consequences Mortgages Legal or Equitable Mortgage Mortgagor Protection: NCC Rights and Duties of Mortgagee Upon Default Notice Requirement Conduct of Sale Requirement Breakdown of Retail Leases Act - set up as a checklist table.


Semester 2, 2017

60 pages

22,730 words



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Monash, Parkville

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