
These are comprehensive notes that cover a broad range of topics and include sentence starters. They run as a checklist style. These notes cover the following: TERMINATION • Termination by mutual agreement • Termination for Breach: • Termination for Repudiation • Termination for delay • Consequences of Affirmation or termination REMEDIES FOR BREACH • Damages • Limitations on damages • Penalties and liquidated damages • Specific performance • Injunctions • Restitution • Action for debt FRUSTRATION • Destruction of subject matter (including death) • Disappearance on the basis of the contract • State of affairs essential to the performance • Illegality • Delay • Limitations on frustration • Consequences of frustration VITITING FACTORS • Duress • Undue influence • Unconscionable dealing Rescission • Restitutio in Integrum • Bars to rescission STATUTORY VITIATING FACTORS • Unconscionable conduct under statute s 18 • Unconscionable conduct within the meaning of the unwritten law s 20 Misleading and deceptive conduct • ‘in trade or commerce’ • The relevant audience • Conduct • Statutory remedies


Semester 2, 2017

60 pages

25,236 words



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Monash, Parkville

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February 2014