
Achieved an H1 in Frontiers in Physiology using these notes for the 3rd and final MST! These notes use diagrams, tables, bullet points and colour coding to concisely summarise all the content for the topics covered on the test while keeping all the necessary detail to ace the test and the subject! Topics include: Unravelling cellular function in a complex organ – Hypertension Unravelling the brain circuitry responsible for this altered respiratory-sympathetic coupling Who talks to whom – the brain’s connective network Remote control brain function: opto- and chemo- genetics The second brain & homeostasis: Role of the enteric nervous system Enteric Nervous System and the Immune System The Gut-Brain Axis Clinical Neuroimmunology: Multiple Sclerosis Stroke Neurodegenerative diseases – Alzheimer’s Disease


Semester 2, 2018

31 pages

13,009 words



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