
Grade: HD (91) Highly organised, detailed and simplified notes from Session 2, 2018. For a subject that has no face-to-face tutorial time, these notes are extremely helpful! They cover all lectures, online tutorial information and my personal summary of the content. Topics covered: - Introduction (Week 1) - Dyslexia (Week 2) - Aphasia (Week 3) - Specific Language Impairment (Week 4) - Autism (Week 5) - Synaesthesia (Week 6) - Amnesia (Week 7) - Disorders of the Self (Week 8) - Agnosia (Week 9) - Delusions (Week 10) - Schizophrenia (Week 11) - Modelling delusions with hypnosis (Week 12)


Semester 2, 2018

61 pages

13,318 words



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Macq., North Ryde

Member since

March 2018