
I scored 93 in Cost Management in Sem 1, 2018. Cost Management places a lot of focus on applying theory to analyze real-life cases for decision-making. It is therefore very important that you not only understand the theory but also know HOW TO APPLY IT. And this note will help you with that! Each topic is summarized based on lectures, tutorials and textbook readings. I have tried to explain in details what each theory means, what decision-making we can apply this theory to and how you should explain it for exam purposes. At the end of the note, there is a complete summary of all cases that have been used in CM in semester 1, 2018. I have come up with some possible exam questions for each case and suggested solutions based on the specific case information. I hope this will help you score high for CM! Best of luck with your study ****************************************************************** Topics covered include: 1) Accounting information for Management & Value Chain 2) Cost concepts & classification 3) CVP analysis 4) Job costing & Process costing 5) ABC 6) Activity analysis & Time-driven ABC 7) Relevant Costing & Decision-making 8) Budgeting & Planning (1): flexible budget & variances 9) Budgeting & Planning (2) 10) ABC, structured data & analysis


Semester 1, 2018

63 pages

19,480 words



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