
Comprehensive MLL111 notes created during T3 of 2017. These notes include all the topics covered during the unit and show the case which delivered the rules. It does not include the case summaries. The topics covered include: - Formation of contract and all its elements - Privity of Contract -Terms of a Contract - Exclusion Clauses - Avoidance of Contract - Performance and Termination - Frustration - Damages - Equitable Remedies These notes were a vital part of completing this unit. However, please do not fool yourself into thinking that a good set of notes will have you do well in the unit. The nature of this course is such that you need quality notes AND a deep understanding of them. A key component is to practice applying the material. If you do this, these notes will be invaluable to you. If you do not, no notes will ever be adequate. Good luck!


Semester 2, 2017

54 pages

17,691 words



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