
Selling my exam notes for Abnormal Psychology. They are thoroughly written and very detailed notes. They include detailed weekly lecture content, definitions for important key terms, theories that are related to the respective weekly topic, etc. The topics that are included in the notes are as follows: - Lecture 1- What is psychological abnormality? - Lecture 2- Clinical Assessment and Diagnosis - Lecture 3 – Integrating Assessment and Testing with the Bio)Psycho)Social Model - Lecture 4 – Stress and Coping - Lecture 5 - Anxiety - Lecture 6 – Neurodevelopmental and Neurocognitive Disorders - Lecture 7 – Sexual Disorders - Lecture 8 - Schizophrenia Spectrum and other Psychotic Disorders - Lecture 9 – Addictive Behaviours - Lecture 10 – Mood Disorders - Lecture 11 – Feeding and Eating Disorders - Lecture 12 – Personality Disorders - Lecture 13 – Trauma and Stressor Related Disorders and Dissociative Disorders I received an overall high distinction mark for this unit as a result of these notes. The sample notes provided show how much detail and time was put into writing these notes. Do not miss out this opportunity as these notes will help you into achieving a really high mark.


Semester 2, 2017

40 pages

16,516 words



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