Gold Coast campus Change campus
53,270 members at Griffith
QuirkyEmeraldMouse - 2 weeks ago
On Gold Coast campus


ColorfulMagentaKoala - 3 months ago
On Gold Coast campus

Need some kind of entrepreneurs club in Griffith. Huge amounts of funding is going to student founded companies in Australia. Why should we be left out?

ColorfulMagentaKoala - 3 months ago
On Gold Coast campus

Need more vending machines around library, anyone know how to get and manage one?

DrunkAquaOctopus - 4 months ago
On Gold Coast campus

can anyone tell me where the nearest bubbler is to G40?

AdorableOrangeMouse - 4 months ago
On Gold Coast campus


MintyOrangeGoat - 4 months ago
On Gold Coast campus


PickyJadeOwl - 4 months ago
On Gold Coast campus


NocturnalChartreuseWolf - 4 months ago
On Gold Coast campus


DaringHarlequinDog - 5 months ago
On Gold Coast campus


SoftCrimsonBee - 5 months ago
On Gold Coast campus


SoberPinkElephant - 5 months ago
On Gold Coast campus


SpikeyMaroonPuma - 6 months ago
On Gold Coast campus


StubbornGreyWalrus - 6 months ago
On Gold Coast campus


RoughBronzeGiraffe - 6 months ago
On Gold Coast campus

hey !

DopeyTealBear - 11 months ago
On Gold Coast campus


ProudVioletBunny - 1 year ago
On Gold Coast campus


BashfulMaroonFrog - 1 year ago
On Gold Coast campus


FastGoldReindeer - 1 year ago
On Gold Coast campus


CleverTealHedgehog - 1 year ago
On Gold Coast campus


SassyCeriseSnail - 1 year ago
On Gold Coast campus


SassyCeriseSnail - 1 year ago
On Gold Coast campus


FuzzyCeriseTiger - 1 year ago
On Gold Coast campus


SpookyJadeHen - 1 year ago
On Gold Coast campus


BrainyBlueHamster - 1 year ago
On Gold Coast campus


SoftSlateDuck - 1 year ago


DaringChartreuseWolf - 1 year ago
On Gold Coast campus


CourageousMikadoKangaroo - 1 year ago
On Gold Coast campus


TallLimeSquirrel - 1 year ago
On Gold Coast campus

Hello There

BeautifulMaroonHorse - 1 year ago
On Gold Coast campus


SleepyVioletRam - 1 year ago
On Gold Coast campus


StubbornCrimsonCat - 1 year ago
On Gold Coast campus

Anyone architecture std?

StubbornCrimsonCat - 1 year ago
On Gold Coast campus


DopeyPurpleElephant - 1 year ago
On Gold Coast campus


CraftyYellowHippo - 2 years ago
On Gold Coast campus


HappyMikadoRhino - 2 years ago
On Gold Coast campus

How is everyone? 😄

HappyMikadoRhino - 2 years ago
On Gold Coast campus


RoughHeliotropeSnake - 2 years ago
On Gold Coast campus


DaringBrownElephant - 2 years ago
On Gold Coast campus


DangerousIndigoCamel - 2 years ago
On Gold Coast campus


PeacefulMagentaCroc - 2 years ago
On Gold Coast campus


TinyYellowCow - 2 years ago

Goes hard

GenerousGoldBadger - 2 years ago
On Gold Coast campus


HangryCrimsonParrot - 2 years ago
On Gold Coast campus


LoudVioletWolf - 2 years ago
On Gold Coast campus


FriendlyTanGoat - 2 years ago
On Gold Coast campus


CheekyTealSnail - 2 years ago
On Gold Coast campus


GleefulYellowGoat - 2 years ago
On Gold Coast campus


DangerousIndigoFrog - 2 years ago
On Gold Coast campus


FamousLilacKangaroo - 2 years ago
On Gold Coast campus


ChattyTealBadger - 2 years ago
On Gold Coast campus


BrilliantBlueBoar - 2 years ago
On Gold Coast campus


FerociousEmeraldBunny - 2 years ago
On Gold Coast campus


FerociousOrangeHorse - 2 years ago
On Gold Coast campus

Hey everyone

BraveEmeraldBuffalo - 2 years ago

By hi duhhfhfupoooiiuiioiossdddrd xs!ggz CHF yuuwueuuwuuuwuwuawoiiwwiiwiqiiisisususussuuauiaissi

SmallRoseWalrus - 2 years ago
On Gold Coast campus


HairyMaroonHorse - 2 years ago
On Gold Coast campus


SoftSapphireSheep - 2 years ago
On Gold Coast campus


DangerousPurplePenguin - 2 years ago
On Gold Coast campus


SmallLimeHedgehog - 3 years ago
On Gold Coast campus

Anyone here know what’s for dinner?

CraftyBronzeBoar - 3 years ago
On Gold Coast campus

Can anyone tell me which degree is more beneficial Psychology or nursing

CraftyBronzeBoar - 3 years ago
On Gold Coast campus


PeacefulGreenCamel - 3 years ago
On Gold Coast campus

Hey, first year here

BashfulJadeTiger - 3 years ago
On Gold Coast campus


WildGreyKoala - 5 years ago
On Gold Coast campus

Hi I'm new here, expect to have me having a panic attack on this chat throughout the year

SassyChartreuseBoar - 3 years ago


WildMikadoHorse - 5 years ago
On Gold Coast campus

Is there a microwave in the library?

SassyChartreuseBoar - 3 years ago

Ya so we can preheat the books before we read them

ClumsyGreyOwl - 5 years ago

Somewhere near the main food area

CourageousNavyCow - 4 years ago
On Gold Coast campus

Anyone know where the cheapest place to eat at isss??

SassyChartreuseBoar - 3 years ago

Ur house

LaughingRosePig - 4 years ago

in the food area near uni bar, the red cafe in there is cheap.

FurryRubySnake - 3 years ago
On Gold Coast campus

What’s the haps lil bih

ScaryMaroonSheep - 3 years ago
On Gold Coast campus


FlashyYellowHamster - 3 years ago
On Gold Coast campus

Wow Amazingly Overwhelming

YummyBronzeSquirrel - 3 years ago
On Gold Coast campus

International tourism & hotel management?

ShortGreenFox - 3 years ago
On Gold Coast campus

Is there any restaurants on campus

CandidAquaOctopus - 3 years ago
On Gold Coast campus


TenaciousAzureBadger - 3 years ago
On Gold Coast campus


CourageousHeliotropeGoat - 3 years ago
On Gold Coast campus


SoberRedKoala - 3 years ago
On Gold Coast campus


BashfulAzureHamster - 3 years ago
On Gold Coast campus


LazyAmberZebra - 3 years ago
On Gold Coast campus


WildSilverHippo - 3 years ago
On Gold Coast campus

Hello all! <3

GrumpyEmeraldDeer - 3 years ago
On Gold Coast campus

meet me at the club

DopeyEmeraldSheep - 4 years ago
On Gold Coast campus

Hi I need girlfriend

DrunkMaroonParrot - 4 years ago


DrunkMaroonParrot - 4 years ago
On Gold Coast campus


AdventurousBronzeGiraffe - 4 years ago
On Gold Coast campus

where do you buy the uni books for your classes

RoughOrangeLion - 4 years ago

This man replied to himself ahahah

AdventurousBronzeGiraffe - 4 years ago

there’s a bookstore under G40, i would check there

RoughOrangeLion - 4 years ago
On Gold Coast campus


ViciousPurpleMouse - 4 years ago
On Gold Coast campus

G’day mate

RichSlateCroc - 5 years ago
On Gold Coast campus

Are there any good cheese and toastie makers on campus??

LaughingRosePig - 4 years ago

not sure what it’s called but it’s the red cafe near uni bar

FeistyGoldCow - 4 years ago
On Gold Coast campus

Hey ! Do you know an online support for international students (English help)?

NewHarlequinParrot - 4 years ago
On Gold Coast campus

Any nursing students?

IcyTanElephant - 4 years ago
On Gold Coast campus


PlayfulSapphireWolf - 4 years ago
On Gold Coast campus

The lollie wall is great!! So is G40 and all the dent girls!!

SourYellowHorse - 4 years ago
On Gold Coast campus


SourYellowHorse - 4 years ago
On Gold Coast campus


DopeyEmeraldSheep - 4 years ago
On Gold Coast campus

Have anyone received misconduct before what do you do ?

IcyTealBunny - 4 years ago
On Gold Coast campus

Anyone selling Enabling occupation II by E. Townsend for 1311AHS and 1321AHS ?

DaringBronzeBadger - 5 years ago
On Gold Coast campus

Where is the 24/7 student ID card place

RichBrownRhino - 4 years ago

If you still haven't found it it's in the library near the very back

CalmCoralBoar - 5 years ago
On Gold Coast campus

Best coffee?

SassyMaroonPuma - 5 years ago


LaughingYellowLadybug - 5 years ago
On Gold Coast campus

I want a new avatar

LaughingYellowLadybug - 5 years ago
On Gold Coast campus


LaughingYellowLadybug - 5 years ago
On Gold Coast campus


GrumpyTurqoiseBuffalo - 5 years ago
On Gold Coast campus


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Connecting with Law

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Business Statistics - Abridged...

Selvanathan, Saroja
4 days ago

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Organisational Behaviour

Stephen P. Robbins, Tim Judge, Bruce Millett, Maree Boyle
4 days ago

$130 Save 10%

Tim Brailsford, Chris Bilson, Richard Heaney
4 days ago

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