
I have created weekly summaries of all the content in 3016LAW from lectures, readings, workshops, and cases. The weekly summaries are organised by a step-to-step process that explains how to characterise the law, which cases and tests to apply, which exceptions are relevant as well as practical and legal implications. At the start of each topic is a diagram to help aid in understanding the relevant tests within each head of power. These weekly summaries are great to use for understanding and studying each topic throughout the semester, but also the end of trimester exam. Whilst, they are specific to Griffith University Constitutional Law course, the information will be applicable for any Queensland University. The topics included are: - constituional interpretation - constitutional characterisation - trade and commerce power - the corporation's power - the external affairs power - the race power - the defence power - the taxation power - excise duties - the grants power - inconsistency between state and Cth laws - severability of state laws - inter-governmental immunities - executive power to detain - Separation of judicial power at Cth level - Express Rights and Freedoms - right to a jury trial - right to property - religious freedom - freedom of interstate trade, commerce and intercourse


Semester 1, 2021

45 pages

12,677 words



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Griffith, Nathan

Member since

August 2020