Parramatta campus Change campus
54,546 members at WSU
PlayfulTanRhino - 1 month ago
On Parramatta campus

Hi I am selling a WSU graduation ceremony ticket for this Fridays ceremony. DM if interested.

JoyfulTurqoiseMonkey - 2 months ago
On Parramatta campus


SaltyAzureCroc - 4 months ago
On Parramatta campus

Is anyone doing social work?

StrongAmberRhino - 4 months ago
On Parramatta campus

Graphic design?

TinyLimeSnake - 2 years ago
On Parramatta campus

Anyone studying pyshcological and social sciences?

SaltyAzureCroc - 4 months ago

Social work yeah

DangerousAzureKangaroo - 2 years ago
On Parramatta campus

Anyone doing bachelor of criminal and community justice /social work?!

SaltyAzureCroc - 4 months ago


EnergeticGreenGoat - 5 months ago
On Parramatta campus

where is the prayer/faith room?

VividPinkElephant - 4 months ago

For parra south female prayer room is at EA.LG.14D and male prayer room is at EA.LG.14B

CharmingMikadoDog - 5 months ago
On Parramatta campus

anyone doing nursing :o

CharmingMikadoDog - 4 months ago

what’s ur guys socials?

FeistySapphireKoala - 4 months ago

Me too

CharmingMikadoDog - 5 months ago

what’s ur socials?

CharmingMikadoDog - 5 months ago

omgg no way

SourGreyBuffalo - 5 months ago


CharmingMikadoDog - 5 months ago

first year? parra south campus? 🥲🥲

SourGreyBuffalo - 5 months ago


ScaryEmeraldMouse - 4 months ago
On Parramatta campus

Anyone going to the open day today(?) Where do we catch the shuttle to campus(?)

BossyOrangeLion - 4 months ago
On Parramatta campus

Anyone doing bachelor of design (visual communication)?

FuzzyLimeWalrus - 5 months ago
On Parramatta campus


SourGreyBuffalo - 5 months ago
On Parramatta campus


EagerOrangeHedgehog - 5 months ago
On Parramatta campus

Who’s doing bachelor of planning (pathway to masters of planning and management)??

PassionatePurpleKoala - 5 months ago
On Parramatta campus

Anyone doing graphic design?

YoungAzureElephant - 3 years ago
On Parramatta campus


BeautifulTanLion - 1 year ago

I am! :)

SoggyCoralZebra - 2 years ago

me too!

MerryBrownReindeer - 3 years ago


BrilliantVioletPig - 5 years ago
On Parramatta campus

Are there any kitchens at parra that aren’t effing LOCKED

HangrySilverTiger - 11 months ago


BrilliantVioletPig - 5 years ago

I FOUND ONE It’s outside the hub in some creepy corner but it has microwaves and boiling water. Attached to building EG

ChattyTealDeer - 3 years ago
On Parramatta campus

Anyone doing bachelor of science/ bachelor of laws at parramatta south?

BrilliantTanCat - 1 year ago

i’m doing bach of psych/bach of law, also pretty close

IcyVioletWalrus - 3 years ago

im doing social science/law, close enough

LazyLimeGoat - 1 year ago
On Parramatta campus

are the shuttles busy during the semester at parra south??

QuickBlueBee - 1 year ago
On Parramatta campus


LaughingCoralBear - 3 years ago
On Parramatta campus

Does anyone know if there is a prayer room in parramatta south

LaughingMikadoCat - 1 year ago

EA.LG.14D or EA.LG.14B

ResplendentGreenBadger - 1 year ago

Yes there is

BeautifulTanLion - 1 year ago

There is!

BeautifulTanLion - 1 year ago

I’m pretty sure there is!

NewRedLion - 3 years ago
On Parramatta campus

Anyone doing VisCom in Parra this year? :)

SoftLimeDeer - 3 years ago


LaughingLimePuma - 1 year ago
On Parramatta campus

Hi how to catch a shuttle bus parramatta train station?

BeautifulTanLion - 1 year ago
On Parramatta campus

Does anyone know of any tutors available for the uni courses if you’re struggling?

HairyIndigoParrot - 1 year ago
On Parramatta campus


BraveNavyHorse - 4 years ago
On Parramatta campus

Anyone doing medical science at parra south

BrainyCrimsonCat - 3 years ago


CleverRubyHedgehog - 3 years ago


CheekyEmeraldZebra - 4 years ago


MischievousCoralOctopus - 2 years ago
On Parramatta campus


QuickYellowParrot - 2 years ago
On Parramatta campus

How can u find textbooks on this app

FabPurpleRhino - 2 years ago
On Parramatta campus

I am

RichRoseGiraffe - 2 years ago
On Parramatta campus

anyone studying midwifery??

SoggyCyanTiger - 2 years ago
On Parramatta campus

Cybersecurity and Behaviour anyone?

LaughingCoralBear - 3 years ago
On Parramatta campus

Anyone doing Bachelor of Arts secondary teaching?

ScalyLimeGoat - 2 years ago

i am!

MerryMagentaLadybug - 2 years ago
On Parramatta campus


RichVioletCroc - 2 years ago
On Parramatta campus


RichVioletCroc - 2 years ago
On Parramatta campus


RichVioletCroc - 2 years ago
On Parramatta campus


TinyYellowRhino - 2 years ago
On Parramatta campus


ItchySapphireTiger - 2 years ago
On Parramatta campus

Sup people

FabNavyParrot - 3 years ago
On Parramatta campus

Anyone use the Queer Room on Parramatta South campus? I want to but nervous if no one else is there

NoisyAquaBee - 3 years ago
On Parramatta campus

do you guys wear the Uni shirts? Or wear anything.. I just want to know if it’s rare to wear one... don’t want to be the only one 😭😭

AmbitiousJadeMouse - 3 years ago

Wear anything

CuddlyYellowOctopus - 3 years ago

why would you? just follow your own style

BrilliantTealOwl - 3 years ago
On Parramatta campus

Heya, are the shuttle buses busy at parra south?

AmbitiousJadeMouse - 3 years ago


CuteBronzeZebra - 3 years ago
On Parramatta campus

anyone doing bachelor of international studies at parramatta south

SleepySlateDog - 3 years ago

Yea! I’m doing double degree with science :)

SlowAmberBoar - 3 years ago
On Parramatta campus


HappyCrimsonDonkey - 3 years ago
On Parramatta campus


FruityHeliotropeDeer - 3 years ago
On Parramatta campus


CuddlyYellowOctopus - 3 years ago
On Parramatta campus


CourageousGreenGoat - 3 years ago
On Parramatta campus


FeistyOrangeDuck - 3 years ago
On Parramatta campus

Hello. How’s everyone feeling about starting uni?

SnazzyGoldBoar - 3 years ago
On Parramatta campus


QuickSlateCow - 3 years ago
On Parramatta campus

Anyone doing a bachelor of law and/or communications?

SoftGoldPuppy - 3 years ago

i’m doing communications

MischievousLimeLadybug - 3 years ago

i’m doing law

SpikeyCrimsonSquirrel - 3 years ago

I’m doing Communications

NoisyAquaBee - 3 years ago
On Parramatta campus

do you guys wear the Uni shirts? Or wear anything.. I just want to know if it’s rare to wear one... don’t want to be the only one 😭😭

PeacefulChartreuseBadger - 3 years ago

I don’t and wouldn’t

LovingSilverCamel - 3 years ago
On Parramatta campus

Hey! Anyone in 2nd year bachelor of arts primary teaching??

LovingSilverCamel - 3 years ago

This sem, I'm doing personality and health psychology

FancyAzureMouse - 3 years ago

What units? Im having EDA, Perception and Brain & Behaviour

LovingSilverCamel - 3 years ago

Haha. I'm doing psych units too

FancyAzureMouse - 3 years ago

I’m BA too but Psych 😂

NoisyAquaBee - 3 years ago
On Parramatta campus

Quick question do Uni students wear the shirts for their Uni? Or it’s rare 😭 I want to buy one, just want to know if students actually wear it

LovingSilverCamel - 3 years ago

Tbh, I also want one. But I feel it's kinda out of fashion😬

GracefulAquaCat - 3 years ago
On Parramatta campus

Just ate Ramen™️

FancyAzureMouse - 3 years ago
On Parramatta campus

Anyone doing Bachelor of Arts (Key. Psych) at Parra South? I’m in year 2, seeking to buy second hand book

ChattyEmeraldGoat - 3 years ago
On Parramatta campus

Anyone doing construction management?

SoggyHeliotropePanda - 3 years ago


FastVioletGoat - 3 years ago
On Parramatta campus

Is any doing bachelor of design and technology at parramatta south?

CuriousChartreuseHedgehog - 3 years ago
On Parramatta campus

Parra south

JuicyRedHen - 3 years ago
On Parramatta campus

Anyone doing Law at Parra?

DaringPurpleCroc - 3 years ago


AdorableBlueLion - 4 years ago
On Parramatta campus

Has anyone done statistics? Do you guys find it hard?

AdventurousAquaParrot - 6 years ago
On Parramatta campus

Are there any tutorials for Nursing in Campbelltown for first week?

LaughingCyanRam - 4 years ago

Ur in the wrong chat

HumbleOrangeReindeer - 5 years ago
On Parramatta campus

Where is a good place to eat near campus

LaughingCyanRam - 4 years ago

The ass inn

LaughingCyanRam - 4 years ago
On Parramatta campus

Who's doing bach of nursing ?

DeadlyCeriseGoat - 4 years ago
On Parramatta campus

Are there cheaper sources than Student VIP to get textbooks?

ItchyAquaKangaroo - 6 years ago
On Parramatta campus

Anyone doing social work at parramatta

MessyChartreuseHamster - 4 years ago


QuickEmeraldTiger - 5 years ago


KindRosePenguin - 5 years ago


NoisyNavyRhino - 5 years ago


NoisyNavyRhino - 5 years ago


PassionateHeliotropeRam - 5 years ago


ClumsySapphireBadger - 6 years ago


StrongOrangeCamel - 4 years ago
On Parramatta campus

Where is the campus book shop

MessyChartreuseHamster - 4 years ago

Next to Subways, South to the library

BrilliantTealOwl - 4 years ago
On Parramatta campus

Anyone got Programming Fundamentals at Parramatta this morning?

BraveJadeCamel - 4 years ago


BrilliantTealOwl - 4 years ago
On Parramatta campus

I’m going to be running late...

SoggyCoralCroc - 4 years ago
On Parramatta campus


MessyChartreuseHamster - 4 years ago
On Parramatta campus


QuickSapphireGiraffe - 4 years ago
On Parramatta campus


YoungBluePig - 4 years ago
On Parramatta campus

hey is it compulsory to go to lectures

AdorableBlueLion - 4 years ago

It should say if a course is compulsory to attend in the learning guide of each unit

TallNavyCat - 4 years ago
On Parramatta campus

Anyone doing nursing in parra south ?

BraveMagentaFrog - 4 years ago

Yesss me

CheekyRedBuffalo - 4 years ago
On Parramatta campus


FruityJadeKangaroo - 4 years ago
On Parramatta campus


ShySilverKangaroo - 4 years ago
On Parramatta campus

Hi, Anyone starting Nursing at WSU Parramatta ?😁

TallNavyCat - 4 years ago


NiceCrimsonElephant - 4 years ago
On Parramatta campus


DrunkVioletKoala - 4 years ago
On Parramatta campus

Hi friends

SlowBlueParrot - 4 years ago
On Parramatta campus


FeistyNavyDonkey - 4 years ago
On Parramatta campus


SmartJadeDeer - 4 years ago


SmileyIndigoBunny - 4 years ago
On Parramatta campus

Wadddup ppl

SourHeliotropeWolf - 4 years ago
On Parramatta campus

Henlo everyone

ColorfulNavyMouse - 4 years ago
On Parramatta campus


BrilliantVioletPig - 4 years ago


ColorfulNavyMouse - 4 years ago
On Parramatta campus


PlayfulMaroonElephant - 4 years ago
On Parramatta campus

Hey, how to get to hedenfeld avenue?

PlayfulMaroonElephant - 4 years ago
On Parramatta campus


LazyCrimsonDuck - 4 years ago
On Parramatta campus


LazyCrimsonDuck - 4 years ago
On Parramatta campus

Beep Boop

SourHeliotropeWolf - 4 years ago
On Parramatta campus


LovableAquaKoala - 5 years ago
On Parramatta campus

Hi, anyone starting translation and interpreting this month? Hhhhhh

DeadlyAzureElephant - 5 years ago
On Parramatta campus


FuzzyGreenTiger - 5 years ago
On Parramatta campus


FuzzyGreenTiger - 5 years ago
On Parramatta campus


ColorfulTanTiger - 5 years ago
On Parramatta campus


ColorfulTanTiger - 5 years ago
On Parramatta campus


TallLimeHen - 5 years ago
On Parramatta campus

Anyone knows if there are any kitchens at WSU Parramatta?

BrilliantVioletPig - 5 years ago

EB ones are for staff apparently

BrilliantVioletPig - 5 years ago

Lol jokes go to EG theres one on the outside

BrilliantVioletPig - 5 years ago

Yeh theres one on each level in EB

JollyPurpleGoat - 5 years ago
On Parramatta campus

Hi😊 Anyone starting the MBA at Parramatta this April?

ShyLilacDuck - 5 years ago
On Parramatta campus

Cyber secuirty

PlayfulTealDeer - 5 years ago
On Parramatta campus

What’s Gucci?

BrilliantVioletPig - 5 years ago

Dunno some kind of gang I think

YummyEmeraldDonkey - 5 years ago
On Parramatta campus

Third yearrrr

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