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LAWS2351 CONDENSED NOTES Contents Relevance: ss55-57 4 Discretion 5 135 General discretion to exclude evidence: Legal Relevance 5 136 General Discretion to limit use of evidence 6 137 Exclusion of prejudicial evidence in criminal proceedings: Christie Style 6 138 Exclusion of improperly or illegally obtained evidence: Public Policy 7 139 Cautioning of persons 8 90 Unfairness Discretion 8 Witnesses: s28 8 Competence and compellability: ss 12-14, 18-19 (primarily) 8 12 Competence and compellability 8 13 Not competent 8 14 Reasons not compellable 9 Examination in Chief 9 s 37 Leading questions 9 Lying and Unfavourable Witnesses 9 s 38 Unfavourable Witnesses, upgrade from 32. Reluctance to testify 9 s 41 – Improper questions 10 s 42 – Leading questions: may be put to witness in XXN 10 S 44 – Only the witness themselves can be questioned about a previous representation 10 32 Attempts to revive memory in court 10 38 Unfavourable witnesses 11 Credibility: 12 102 The credibility rule (exceptions 103, 104; 108) 12 103 Exception: cross-examination as to credibility, 104 if DEF 12 104 Other protections: cross-examination of DEF 14 106 Exception: rebutting denials by other evidence 15 108 – Re-establishing Credibility 15 43 Prior inconsistent statements of witnesses 16 Previous Representation 16 Browne v Dunn 16 Exception: re-establishing credibility: s108 17 Hearsay 18 Competency: 61 dependent on competency 18 First hand Hearsay: 67: Ch9,pp328-362 19 62 Restriction to “first-hand” hearsay 19 65 Exception: Criminal proceedings if maker not available 19 66 Exception: Criminal Proceedings if maker available 20 66A: Subramaniam/Suteski 21 Examples 22 The Accused 23 Tendency and Opinion 24 Tendency Rule: 97 24 Coincidence Rule: 98 26 “Background Evidence”: can’t be used for rest of section – s95, give warning, 136 26 Character Battle Rebuttals: s110-111 27 Opinion Evidence: s76 28 Identification Evidence 29 Judicial Directions and Warnings 31 Character 32 Dictionary 33 Theory 34 Fair Trial 34 Circumstantial Evidence 34 Evidence Act Background 35 Evidence Act Overview 35


Term 3, 2019

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