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These notes are the absolute perfect combination of lecture notes, LSS tutorials, faculty tutorials, revision seminars and everything in between! The topics included are: Links between topics, issue spotting, resulting trusts, constructive trusts, equities based on estoppel, Joint tenancy, tenancy in common, Terminating co-ownership, rights and duties of co-owners, mortgages, enforceability of property interests, indefeasibility of title, exceptions to indefeasibility, paramount interests, registrar’s power to correct errors, inconsistent legislation, volunteers, compensation, unregistered interests. Property B is a tricky, conceptual topic so make sure you have these notes with you throughout semester to make sense of it all! I took ONLY these exam notes into my exam and was able to get a HD in that exam. The notes are so easy to read and make great use of headings, formatting and colour to ensure that you are able to get the most out of them!


Semester 2, 2019

128 pages

35,314 words



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Monash, Clayton

Member since

February 2018