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Notes organised by week with all lecture notes, assigned readings and important sections from the textbook integrated throughout. The notes are separated into sections based on the topics, with a contents page which is important when trying to find relevant information efficiently during the OPEN BOOK final exam. I have made these detailed notes using all assessable content for the course - lecture slides, lecturer comments and examples, required readings of journal articles, and the textbook. All the important information for WORK3201 to help you get a great mark for the team strategy exercises, readiness assurance tests, and the final exam. Topics in my notes are according to the week they were taught. Notes for the required readings and a selection of suggested readings are also included in these notes: Week 1 – Introduction to IHRM: A strategic outlook -Required reading: Managing expatriation (Brewster et al., 2011) -Suggested reading: Strategic Global Human Resource Management: The Role of Inpatriate Managers (Harvey et al., 2000) Week 2 – Shaping people management in MNEs, culture and cross-cultural management in IHRM -Required reading: Societal and organisational culture (Dickson et al., 2014) Required reading: Hofstede's model of national cultural differences and their consequences (McSweeney, 2002) Week 3 – MNEs, regulation and the impact of national systems on IHRM -Required reading: Internationalization and varieties of capitalism (Whitley, 1998 -Required reading: Multinationals, national business systems and HRM: The enduring influence of national identity or a process of 'Anglo-Saxonization' (Ferner & Quintanilla, 1998) Week 4 – Managing and creating different expatriate experiences: International recruitment -Required reading: Expatriate failure: Time to abandon the concept? (Harzing & Christensen, 2004) -Required reading: Theorising the meaning(s) of 'expatriate': Establishing boundary conditions for business expatriates (McNulty & Brewster, 2017) Week 5 – IHRM in cross-border mergers and acquisitions -Required reading: Deal or Debacle – DaimlerChrysler and Lessons from the Big Guys (Solomon & Schell, 2009) -Required reading: Dynamics of acquired firms’ pre-acquisition employee reactions (Teerikangas, 2012) Week 6 – HRM in emerging MNEs -Required reading: Chinese Multinational Firms in Asia and Africa: Relationships With Institutional Actors and Patterns of HRM Practices (Cooke, 2017 -Required reading: Guest Editors’ Introduction: People Management and Emerging Market Multinationals (Wilkinson et al., 2014 Week 7 – International training and development -Required reading: The role of on-site training and support in expatriation (Suutari & Burch, 2001) -Required reading: An empirical investigation of the effectiveness of pre-departure and in-country cross-cultural training (Wurtz, 2014) Week 8 – reading week, no classes Week 9 – International remuneration and rewards -Required reading: Strategic issues and local constraints in transnational compensation strategies: An analysis of cultural, institutional and political influences (Festing et al., 2007) Week 10 – Keeping international staff safe -Required reading: Human resources and expatriate evacuation: A conceptual model (Fee et al., 2013) Week 11 – Managing employee knowledge and performance in MNEs -Required reading: Performance management practices in Asia (Varma et al., 2017) -Required reading: The antecedents of performance management among Finnish expatriates (Suutari & Tahvanainen, 2002) Week 12 - Decent work in MNE Supply Chains: An issue of Ethical HRM, Corporate Social Responsibility or Industrial Relations? Week 13 – Repatriation and expatriate retention & course review -Required reading: Repatriation: What do we know and where do we go from here (Chiang et al., 2018) -Required reading: Retaining repatriates: The role of organisational support practices (Lazarova & Caligiuri, 2001)


Semester 1, 2018

135 pages

42,209 words



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