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HD! WORK3202 complete course lecture Detailed complete course notes organised by week. I have made these detailed notes using ALL assessable content from the lectures, including lecture slides, lecturer comments and examples. ALL the important information for WORK2205 to help you get a great mark for tutorial participation, assessable quizzes and the final exam! Topics in my notes are according to the week they were taught. Lecture notes: Lecture 1 – Introduction Lecture 2 – HRM in context: Megatrends and IR Lecture 3 – Anti-discrimination, diversity & inclusion Lecture 4 – HR planning & job design Lecture 5 – Talent attraction & selection Lecture 6 – Talent retention & development Lecture 7 – Digital disruption, social media & HRM Lecture 8 – Performance management Lecture 9 – Base pay, benefits & pay equity Lecture 10 – Performance recognition & reward Lecture 11 – Managing work health, safety & well-being Lecture 12 – Conflict management, negotiation, cross-cultural awareness & communication Lecture 13 – HR evaluation & prospects + Strategic alignment summary table + Unit recap (key topics to study)


Semester 1, 2021

100 pages

33,247 words



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