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I completed Prop B at Monash in Semester 2, 2018 and received a High Distinction (80). The notes cover all topics that were taught in Sem 2 and include an introductory paragraph for an exam script in addition to the notes. I also have a cover page which has corresponding page numbers for ease of reference. 1. Resulting Trusts 2. Constructive Trusts 3. Estoppel 4. Co-Ownership 5. Creation of Co-Ownership 6. Rights and Duties of Co-Owners 7. VCAT Order for Sales and Division 8. Mortgages 9. Indefeasibility of Title 10. Exceptions to Indefeasibility 11. Unregistered interests under the Torrens System.


Semester 2, 2018

59 pages

20,394 words



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Monash, Clayton

Member since

May 2018