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AFM340: Fraud Prevention & Investigation Notes

These notes are a comprehensive summary of AFM340 compiled from lectures, lecture notes, and textboo...

77 pages, 29903 words


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This was a great unit that was well-structured and largely based around the textbook. The lectures followed the structure of the textbook for each topic, which made it very easy to follow and very easy to understand what content the students are required to learn. The assignments for this unit were fair (though the instructions for Assignment 2 were a bit ambiguous). However, the final exam was very long in length and the majority of the multiple choice questions were taken from a question bank from the textbook authors, so some were not directly relevant to what we had learned and resulted in guessing for those questions. Overall, this unit was very interesting and not-too-difficult, and one that I would highly recommend other students take.

Anonymous, Trimester 1, 2020