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This guide covers all of the information you need to know for PSY2DEV: Developmental Psychology. It took me 120 hours to do all of these (watching hours of lectures, attending tutorials, reading, writing, typing, and compiling all of these). If I could go back in time, I would buy this in a heartbeat and save myself all the trouble. LITERALLY The best notes you will find for PSY2DEV. It is a very very small price to pay for the best grade and securing your future. Topics: 1. Lifespan Development, Theories and Research Methods 2. Infant Development 3. Toddler and Preschool Development 4. Middle Childhood Development 5. Adolescent Development 6. Adult Development 7. Special Topic: Social-Cognitive Development 8. Parenthood 9. Special Topic: Indigenous Australian Perspective on Development 10. Development in Older Age 11. Applied Developmental Psych: Clinical Populations


Semester 2, 2019

26 pages

10,000 words



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USC, Sunshine Coast

Member since

October 2020