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These notes are a comprehensive summary of AFM101 compiled from lectures, lecture notes, and textbook readings. I received an HD in this unit with a mark of 97, so these notes are very high quality. They simplify complicated ideas, while explaining them succinctly. They will be beneficial to any student undertaking this unit. Topic list: Topic 1 - Accounting Equation Topic 2 - Recording of Transactions Topic 3 - Accounting Information Systems, Special Journals, Subsidiary Ledgers and Control Systems Topic 4 - Adjusting the Accounts and Preparing Financial Statements Topic 5 - Preparing Accounting Reports - Completing the Accounting Cycle Topic 6 - Accounting for Merchandising - Retail Operations Topic 7 - Accounting for Inventories Topic 8 - Internal Control and Accounting for Cash Topic 9 - Accounting for Receivables, Payables and Current Liabilities Topic 10 - Accounting for Property, Plant and Equipment Topic 11 - The Role of Accounting Topic 12 - Financial Statement Analysis and Interpretation


Trimester 1, 2018

58 pages

20,398 words



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