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These GEN3051 notes are very detailed, organised and easy to follow! They are organised according to weeks and lectures with clear titles, headings and many examples and diagrams included throughout. These notes are perfect for test revision and especially exam revision. The unit has a lot of content packed into each lecture, however, these notes break the content up ensuring all topics are easy to read, follow and understand. Topics covered include: - Genetic disorders - Segregation and linkage analysis – single gene diseases - Identifying human disease genes - Gene discovery and diagnostics by high throughput sequencing - Human mutation and mol. pathology - Animal models in human genetics - Advances in genetic screening - Genetic treatment of disease - Stem cells - Complex disease gene identification - Genetic basis of antibiotic resistance - Cystic Fibrosis - Bacteriophage genetics - CRISPR technologies - Epigenetics and disease - Forensic genetics - Forensic genetics - applications


Semester 1, 2018

97 pages

29,342 words



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Monash, Clayton

Member since

February 2016