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ECON3123 notes covering ALL lecture content, from week 1 to week 10. Notes are written in clear, easy to comprehend english. Contents includes: - Bonus only model - Bonus only model with middle man - Bonus only model with altruism - Bonus only model with stealing - Fixed + bonus incentive scheme - Fixed + bonus incentive scheme with intrinsic motivation - Fixed + bonus incentive scheme with stealing - Fixed + bonus incentive scheme with fixed effort cost - Fixed + bonus incentive scheme with middle man - Misaligned incentives model - Misaligned incentives model with misaligned performance measure - Misaligned incentives model complex version - Multi-tasking / crowding out effect - Noisy / uncertain incentives with risk aversion / risk-loving - Noisy incentives with 2 performance measures - Noisy incentives with risk aversion - Gaming model - Informational problems - Multi-tasking / crowding out effect with noise - Multi-tasking / crowding out effect with misaligned incentives - Agent who doesn't produce useful effort - Multi-tasking with misaligned noisy incentives and risk aversion - Relative performance evaluation - Relative performance evaluation with noise - Joint performance evaluation / teamwork model - Disagreement model - Disagreement model with persuasion - Decision authority model - Sequential authority model - Sequential authority model with help / sabotage - Authority model with stretching - Authority model with 2 agents and 2 projects - Hold up model - Asset ownership model - Asset ownership model with constant outside options - Asset ownership model with indirect impact on final value - One period shirking model - Two period shirking model - Sequential two period model - Two period model with productive replacements - Sequential two period model with participation fees - Two period model with retirement - Temp scheme career incentives model - Fixed assignment scheme career incentives model - Advancement scheme career incentives model


Term 3, 2022

66 pages

17,538 words


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UNSW, Kensington

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April 2023