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Comprehensive HD notes for LAW3112 (Corporations Law). Include details pertaining to all the examinable components of each topic listed below, including summarised facts and principles of the relevant cases and references to all relevant statutory provisions. Structured in a very simple, yet detailed manner for easy use. Includes a collation of pointers for issue spotting and some suggested adaptable starting sentences to assist with answering problem questions. TOPIC LIST 1. Into 2. Registration and its effects 3. Types of corporations 4. Directors, members and corporate decision-making 5. The Constitution and the Replaceable Rules 6. Corporate liability and contracting 7. Share capital, loan capital and dividends 8. Corporate governance and directors’ duties 9. Members’ remedies 10. Corporate mortality


Semester 1, 2017

61 pages

22,940 words


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Monash, Clayton

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June 2015