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Covers all content from weeks 1-13: Discharge by performance, discharge by mutual consent, discharge by termination (for repudiation, breach of an essential term or fundamental breach), discharge by frustration, privity and standing to enforce, specific relief (specific performance and injunctions), damages (assessment, causation and remoteness, measurement and quantification), liquidated damages and penalties, vitiating factors (rescission, mistake, misrepresentation, misleading or deceptive conduct, duress, undue influence, unconscionability, statutory unconscionability, and third party impropriety). Rules are structured in the way that exam problem questions must be answered - this is not just a long list of rules, this is the complete structure of your answer to any exam problem, complete with case references and summaries of every case covered in this course. These notes are priceless, but I'm short on cash so thats why they're here.


Semester 2, 2018

42 pages

19,416 words



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UQ, St Lucia

Member since

February 2018

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