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As a subject with a challenging take home exam, it is imperative for students to have a well-structured, clear and all-inclusive set of exam notes for the Employment Law exam. Also, Employment Law builds further on many principles of Contract Law, hence it is key to have a high-level understanding of both strands of law, which these notes also incorporate. I used these notes to achieve either High Distinctions or Distinctions in all Employment Law assessments. Topics included are: 1. The Employment Relationship 2. Employment vs other kinds of relationships 3. The Employment Contract (formation and terms) 4. Employee Duties 5. Employer Duties 6. Mutual Duties of Employee and Employer 7. Termination of the Employment Contract 8. Remedies for Breach of Employment Contract 9. Statutory Regulation of Employment (Fair Work Act 2009, NES, EAs, harassment etc) 10. Unfair dismissal 11. Other Protections against Workplace Discrimination I hope you can use them to be just as successful!


Semester 1, 2023

79 pages

40,000 words


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