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I completed Food for Healthy Planet 2 in 2015 with a H1 score, so my notes are up to date with the content being examined. There is a lot of content in Food for healthy planet and not much time to write comprehensive notes, so my notes will save you a lot of time. I didn't do Food for Healthy Planet 1 so my notes are more in depth to explain concepts that I missed in Food for healthy planet 1. My notes are colour coded, detailed, and has many diagrams and flowcharts. I also have Forum notes for the 4 forums that were covered this year. They explain every concept that was covered in the unrecorded forums and is tested in exams. I have also included my cheat sheet which can be brought into the examination. My cheat sheet fits ALL the information required for the exam regarding all 4 forums.


Semester 2, 2015

56 pages

12,685 words



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