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In the download file is the contract law BIBLE. The notes follow the UoS outline for Sydney Uni, and clearly extract the principles in an easy to read way. The notes are extremely well formatted and structured to facilitate quick and easy learning of the cases and materials for a closed book exam. Notes relate to LAWS5002 but cover all necessary aspects of the LLB contracts subject. Contained in the lecture notes are: (1) Agreement: Offer & Acceptance, Consideration, Estoppel, Intention to Create Legal Relations, Contracts Requiring Written Evidence (2) Terms & Parties: Express terms, Incorporation of Terms, Implied terms, Construction of Contracts, Classification of Terms, Exclusion Clauses, Privity. (3) Breach & Frustration: Order/Prevention of Performance, Discharge by Performance, Discharge for Breach of a Term, Discharge for Repudiation, Discharge for Delay & Time Stipulations, Termination, Discharge by Frustration, Discharge by Agreement. ----------------- About the author: - Received a Distinction (82) for Contracts - (Finance)


Semester 1, 2018

88 pages

33,885 words



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