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CHEAT NOTES- STRUCTURED FOR QUICK REFERENCE IN THE EXAM! No need to take 100+ pages of comprehensive notes or the textbook into the exam! These notes are a step-by-step guide to answering any problem question, and will directly apply to any given set of facts. SAVED ME SO MUCH TIME IN THE EXAM!!! These notes include: - A cheat sheet to classify which charge is relevant under the Crimes Act. - Individual structures and elements to be met for each of the charges- Larceny, Fraud, Assault (Common, Psychic, Aggravated, Sexual, and Aggravated Sexual), and Attempt. - An easily applicable diagram for Extending Criminal Liability (JCE and EJCE). - Defences relevant to the exam (Mental Illness and Necessity). Best of luck!! You can do it!! :)


Semester 2, 2015

30 pages

12,156 words



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