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Notes consist of lecture material, diagrams and textbook information. Contents: Metabolism - control and regulation of; homeostasis, insulin, glycogenolysis etc, diabetes Endocrine - control and regulation of; types of hormones, where they originate and where they act. Respiratory - Lung Volumes and Capacities, ventilation and perfusions, control of regulation, central integration, chemoreceptors. Cardiovascular - MAP, BP, Haemodynamics, vessel structure and function, Baroreceptors, central integration, control of BP. Thermal - heat production and loss, Thermoreceptors, effectors, Pathologies Body Fluids - ECF and ICF, Osmoreceptor Cells, Renal - filtration, reabsorption, secretion, control of ion concentration, urine production.


Semester 1, 2018

49 pages

13,021 words



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UOW, Wollongong

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February 2017