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Designed for easy use in an exam. Clear structure, and works step-by-step. Notes are integrated with lots of examples and short case analogies. Contains tables of cases to easily compare and distinguish fact scenarios. Topics covered include: 1. State legislature: - State legislative power - Manner and form requirements - Commonwealth immunity from state laws - State separation of judicial power - s 92 freedom of interstate trade - s 109 inconsistency 2. Cth legislature - Cth legislative power - External affairs power - Corporations power - s 96 grants - State immunity from Cth laws - Cth separation of judicial power 3. Cth executive - Execution of the constitution - Maintenance of the constitution - Prerogative powers - Power to appropriate and spend - Nationhood power 4. Other - Implied freedom of political communication (state and Cth laws) - Consequences - invalidity, reading down, severance


Semester 2, 2018

35 pages

11,344 words


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Monash, Clayton

Member since

January 2017