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Notes cover all topics of the course in week-by-week. I've summarised the main concepts emphasised by the lecturer, and these very concise notes make for effective study revision, cramming for exams and comprehension. They enabled my achievement of a HD mark. Week 1: Introduction and Review Week 2: Economic & Commercial Environment Week 3: General Insurance & The Need for Financial Products Week 4: The Life Insurance Industry Week 5: Private Health Insurance (and some pricing theory) Week 6: The Role of Regulation in the Financial Sector Week 7: The Banking Industry & Profit Week 8: Product Development Week 9: Features & Risks of Financial Contracts + Types of Risks Week 10: Superannuation, Funds Management & Fiduciary Duty Week 11: Interaction between Pricing, Capital, Reinsurance, Underwriting, Profits


Term 1, 2020

13 pages

5,843 words



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UNSW, Kensington

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April 2022