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MLL410 Intellectual Property. A difficult subject made a whole lot easier through the use of these notes. I achieved a HD in this subject thanks to the in-depth case summaries, understandable processes, and a clearly presentable document. TOPICS INCLUDE: Topic 1: Introduction to Intellectual Property Topic 2: Trade Marks Registrability Topic 3: Ownership Opposition, Rights & Infringement Topic 4: Defences and Counterclaims Topic 5: Copyright A: What Copyright Protects Topic 6: Copyright B: Rights and Infringement Topic 7: Copyright C: Defences, Remedies, Ownership and Transmission Topic 8: Patents A: Rationales and the Concept of Invention Topic 9: Patents B: Validity Topic 10: Patents C: Infringement Topic 11: Designs


Semester 1, 2018

292 pages

99,385 words



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Deakin, Melbourne Burwood

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April 2016