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Extremely detailed exam notes that have both lecture and tutorial content. I only used those notes for my exam study and I achieved a really high mark. The notes are well organised and cover the units content thoroughly. The notes include: Week 1: Introduction to Social Psychology Week 2: Social Cognition Week 3: Perceiving Others Week 4: The Self Week 5: Attitudes and Attitude Change Week 6: Persuasion and Social Influence Week 7: Mid-semester break Week 8: Stereotypes and Prejudice, and Discrimination Week 9: Session Break Week 10: Intergroup Relations Week 11: Aggression Week 12: Prosocial Behaviour Week 13: Interpersonal Attraction and Close Relationships Week 14: Cross-Cultural and Indigenous Psychology These are all the weekly unit material that are covered in the notes. Good luck with your exams


Semester 2, 2017

56 pages

12,306 words



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