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These are the only Federal Constitutional Law notes you will need to understand the subject and prepare you for the exam. I have summarised and simplified the entirety of the course content, including all case law, legislation, and excerpts from the textbook written by authors/judges/commentators. The notes include all relevant material from the textbook, Moodle materials, and class notes. The notes are colour-coded (pink = legislation; green = case law; orange = commentators/authors needed for the essay; blue boxes = exam phrases/scaffolds to use) and are easy to navigate. Topic list: - Fundamentals of Australian Constitutional Law - The High Court and Constitutional Interpretation (A and B) - The High Court and Characterisation - Inconsistency between Commonwealth and State Laws - The External Affairs Power - Economic Powers (Trade and Commerce/Corporations Power) - The Races Power - The Taxation Power - The Grants Power - Express Guarantees (Trial by Jury and Freedom of Religion) - Freedom of Interstate Trade and Commerce - Implied Freedom of Political Communication - Judicial Power and Detention - The Federal Compact (Intergovernmental Immunity)


Semester 2, 2017

46 pages

20,548 words



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