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Thanks for checking out my notes. I received a grade of 96 for this unit and received an academic excellence award. I have a WAM of 90 overall. These notes are a summary of my full unit notes (also sold on Student VIP) and include the most important pieces of information, with key parts highlighted in red text. I hope you find my notes helpful and best of luck in this unit! These notes cover all content from weeks 1-12 including: W1: Introduction W2: Dyslexia W3: Aphasia W4: Specific Language Impairment W5: Agnosia W6: Amnesia W7: Autism Spectrum Disorder W8: Disorders of Self W9: Monothematic Delusional Belief W10: Hypnosis W11: Schizophrenia W12: Synaesthesia


Semester 2, 2021

19 pages

4,167 words



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