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Comprehensive and In-Depth Summary Notes Covering: - All Lecture Material - All Case Case Studies - All Practicals Includes flow-charts, diagrams and summary tables which led to my success in the subject All material examined on the quizzes and exams could be found in these notes in depth Table of Contents Lectures Week 1: Basis of Decision Making and Diagnostics Week 2: Disease Containment Week 3: Sensitivity and Specificity in Diagnostic Tests Week 4: Introduction to Epidemiology Week 5: Epidemiological Studies Week 6: Zoonosis and Species Specificity Week 7: Quality Management Systems and National Standards Week 8: Critical Appraisal and Applications of Epidemiological Studies Week 9: ELISA-based Diagnostics Week 10: Transmission Involving Vector Week 11: PCR-Based Diagnostic and Trends in Diagnostic Week 12: Causative Agents and Biosecurity Assessments Case Studies Week 1: Using Tamiflu to Treat Canine Parvovirus Week 3: Diagnostics for an Emerging Disease Week 4: Shummerlands Outbreak Week 6: Bacteriology Week 7: Accreditation of Laboratories Week 12: Kuru Practicals Week 2: Containment of Infections Week 9: ELISA-based diagnostics Week 11: PCR


Semester 1, 2018

133 pages

28,000 words



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UniMelb, Parkville

Member since

February 2016