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– Over 40 case studies discussed throughout the MPS lectures with links to their relevance to the content – all in an easy to read table – This helped me use examples discussed in class in the final exam and contributed to my achievement of a HD in this subject – Easy to read, nicely formatted notes CASE STUDIES • Airbnb • Uber • Luxury Goods • Lego • Proctor & Gamble • United Airlines • Virgin Airlines • Spotify • Toyota • iTunes • Wanda Theme Park vs. Disneyland • Pandora • Walmart • Budget Airlines • Warby Parker • Amazon • Kodak • Blackberry / Nokia • Marriott Hotels • Dollar Shave Club • Apple • Starbucks • Groupon • Blue Apron • Netflix vs. Blockbuster • Rapha Cycling Club • Samsung • Lululemon • Zappos • Geico • M&M • Hilton Hotels • • Choice Hotel • Burberry • Patagonia • Coca-Cola • Zara • Rolls Royce / GE • Boeing 787 • Apple & IBM • Motorola


Spring session, 2017

16 pages

5,637 words



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