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These notes allowed me to achieve a mark of 82 in the final LLB 2220 exam, achieving at the very top of the LLB cohort. This subject is recognised as one of the law degree's most rigorous and challenging subjects to succeed in. My notes are well-structured and use bullet points, tables and an overall clear and effective format to guide understanding. They cover every relevant section in great depth but still use a concise format, including exam tips for the difficult final exam. Topics included in the notes include:  Defining Property and Philosophical Justifications for Property  Defining New Forms of Proprietary Rights  Land, Fixtures and Chattels  Possession and Adverse Possession  Tenures and Estates  Title to Land, including Old System, Torrens Title and Native Title  Introduction to Law, Equity and Trusts  Conditional interests and perpetuities  Leases and tenancies  Bailment  Easements and Profits  Servitudes over Land, including Covenants


Semester 1, 2023

64 pages

25,000 words


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