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These notes cover the full subject of PSYC30020: The Integrated Brain for Semester 2, 2020. In this complete lecture notes summary, important components are highlighted in different colours (red - more important, blue - mainly for MCQs). The concepts are mostly described in words accompanied by diagrams. Each lecture starts with learning outcomes and ends with a summary. These notes helped me to achieve not only excellent scores in final exam but also H1 for the subject. I used these notes alone to learn and revise the subject repetitively for the exam. Topics Covered: Prof Kim: - Introduction (Integrated system Gut-Brain) - Stress and the brain - Fear conditioning and extinction - Sex hormones and the brain Prof Jordan: Motor Control - Introduction - Central control of movement - Brain body interactions failure - Using knowledge of brain body interactions Sleep - Introduction - Homeostatic and circadian regulation of sleep - Sleep Neurobiology - Disorders of the sleep control system - Function of sleep - Function of sleep 2 (Restorative theories) - Sleep and mental health Pain - Acute pain - Chronic pain - Respiratory control and panic disorder - Sleep Apnea Prof Olivia: Consciousness - Grand theories of consciousness - Levels and dimensions of consciousness - Altered states of consciousness - Ethics and enhancement


Semester 2, 2020

70 pages

21,194 words



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Deakin, Melbourne Burwood

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February 2017