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These comprehensive torts notes include complete case and legislation summaries for each topic, in addition to detailed explanations of the relevant principles of Tort law. Case summaries include an explanation of the facts, detailed accounts of court findings, and a statement of the relevant principle. Also included are shorter compressed exam scaffolds summarising the relevant steps in answering a torts exam question. These scaffolds are divided into the individual stages of establishing a claim for negligence (duty, breach, causation, defences and damages) and provide a comprehensive overview of the relevant legislation and cases detailed more heavily throughout the notes themselves. Additional scaffolds are provided for survival claims, compensation to relatives claims and loss of services claims. These notes helped me secure an 85 in the exam and an 82 overall. ** The table of contents in the sample notes contains a notice of error only because the contents were copied into a new document in order to create the preview of the notes. The proper notes do not display this error. The sample notes demonstrate an example of one part of the negligence scaffold, and a short section of the notes on assault.


Semester 1, 2017

158 pages

65,449 words



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USYD, Camperdown/Darlington

Member since

February 2016