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LAWS1160 Reading Notes 1 Statutory Interpretation 3 2 The Legislative Instruments Act (2003) 7 3 The validity and invalidity of subordinate legislation 10 4 Delegation of Decision-making Power 17 5 Reasons for decisions 19 6 Freedom of Information (FOI) 28 Elements of the IPS 34 Publication of information under IPS 34 7 Merits Review and the AAT Act 35 8 The AAT and Government Policy 44 9 Error of fact and errors of law 48 10 Jurisdictional Fact (This is a type of Jurisdictional Error) 49 11 Jurisdictional Error (Ground of review under the Common Law and ADJR Act) 54 12 Justiciability & Matter 60 13 Standing 62 14 Judicial Review 69 Judicial Review: Federal Court (Judiciary Act s39B) 69 Judicial Review: High Court - s (75) & Judiciary Act s 30 73 Judicial Review: ADJR Act (Federal Court) 74 15 Grounds of Judicial Review 79 Grounds of Review Relating to Fact Finding Errors 79 Procedural fairness – No-hearing rule 80 Procedural fairness – Bias 86 No evidence rule 89 Non-compliance with statutory requests (Statutory grounds of review only) 91 Application of Policy 93 Ministerial Directions 95 Improper/unauthorised purposes 97 Irrelevant considerations 99 Ignoring relevant considerations 101 Wednesdbury unreasonableness (and Irrationality/Illogicality) 105 16 Remedies 109 Constitutional writs: Mandamus 110 Constitutional writs: Prohibition 113 Constitutional writs: Certiorari 116 Equitable remedies: Injunction 118 Equitable remedies: Declaration 120 ADJR Act order of review (S 16) 123 17 Grounds for Refusing Remedies 126 18 Privative Clauses 128


Term 1, 2019

135 pages

37,115 words


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