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Full semester's notes Colour Coded for your convenience Topics Include: Territory 1. Territory as a Legal Concept 2. The Fundamental Principles that Protect Territorial Integrity 3. Extent of Territory 4. Interests in Territory other than Sovereignty 5. Acquisition of Title 6. Mutations and Transformation of the State International Organizations 1. Introduction to International Organizations 2. Definition and Principal Features of IOs 3. The United Nations and the United Nations Specialized Agencies 4. The Complexification of International Institutional Arrangements 5. Membership and Representation in IOs 6. Observer and Consultative Status Use of Force and Collective Security Measures 1. The jus ad bellum - Introduction and History 2. The Nature of the Prohibition 3. The Content of the Prohibition Part 1 4. The Content of the Prohibition Part 2 5. Self-Defence Part 1 6. Self-Defence Part 2 and Humanitarian Intervention 7. Collective Security Measures Part 1 8. Collective Security Measures Part 2 State Responsibility 1. State Responsibility - Introduction 2. The IWA - Attribution 1 3. The IWA - Attribution 2 4. The IWA - Breach 5. Responsibility of a State in Connection with another State 6. The IWA - CPWs 1 7. The IWA - CPWs 2 8. The Content and Implementation of State Responsibility 9. Diplomatic Protection


Semester 1, 2021

80 pages

28,477 words



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