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- These notes cover every examinable topic for the subject ‘AI, Technology and the Law’. - Notes include key areas of the subject: the future of the legal profession as it incorporates AI, specific areas of legal changes in torts law, criminal law, family law, and public law. - Notes include all assessable topics relevant to both assignments. - Content of notes will also assist you in generating real-time responses to class discussions. Best of luck. TOPICS COVERED - Topic 1: Introduction - Topic 2: The Future of the Legal Profession - Topic 3: Torts Law and Privacy - Topic 4: Further Areas of Development in Civil Litigation - Topic 5: Threats to Democracy and the Legitimation of Law - Topic 6: States’ Uses of Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights - Topic 7: AI and Criminal Law - Topic 8: The Future of Work


Semester 1, 2023

63 pages

23,015 words



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