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1. Contracts for Sale of Land to be in writing 2. Indefeasibility Immediate indefeasibility Indefeasibility of the terms in a registered instrument 3. Exceptions to Indefeasibility Volunteers Fraud In personam (personal equities) Short-term tenancies Overriding statutes Caveats 4. Competing Equitable Interests 5. Leases Formation Formation of an express lease Formation of an equitable tenancy Formation of implied tenancies Implied Covenants Covenants implied by common law Covenants implied by statute Express Covenants Enforceability after Assignment Privity of Contract Privity of Estate Assignment of the reversion Remedies Forfeiture of lease by landlord Remedies of landlord and tenant in contract 6. Co-ownership 7. Native Title 8. Mortgages Remedies of the Mortgagee – Power of sale 9. Easements Characteristics of Easements Types of Easements Creation of Easements by Court Order Extinguishment of Easements Easement and Torrens 10. Freehold Covenants Running of covenants in equity Enforceability of freehold covenants Intersection of freehold covenants with public planning regimes


Semester 1, 2017

15 pages

6,502 words



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UNSW, Kensington

Member since

August 2015