- Subjects
- Science
- 581 UTS Science textbooks
- 72 UTS Science tutors
- 279 UTS Science ratings and reviews
Latest activity on Science subjects at UTS...
Lectures are bad. Lab may be engaging. You're lucky if you get Mika for your labs.
6 years ago
Most loved subject of all ! Very fascinating content with many diagrams ( that a plus!)
6 years ago
My Favourite subject. Very interesting and the content was given very clear with tutorials.
6 years ago
Great subject that allowed me to understand the environment and species around us! Content delivery...
6 years ago
Chaddy is bae
6 years ago
Like the subject. Hate blairs lectures. Watched all the videos on 2x speed.
6 years ago
Spending only one week on each system meant that you could get a general understanding of normal phy...
6 years ago
Really enjoyable subject with great hands on pracs. The subject was really well organised when I did...
6 years ago
If you love biology you'll be able to keep up with this subject with a little effort. It seems reall...
7 years ago
This subject is co-ordinated by Paul Kennedy. It consists of a 2 hour weekly workshop session, where...
7 years ago
Awesome subject! A lot of content, I recommend studying daily and doing the prelab material. Also, r...
7 years ago
Megan is a fantastic lecturer! She runs an interesting and thought-provoking subject which I thoroug...
7 years ago
For a person who have strong Chemistry base in high school, this subject is not a big deal for me. I...
8 years ago
As I really love Biology, I enjoy this subject a lot. It gave me so much opportunity to explore and...
8 years ago
Pretty interesting content but the subjects' assessments, practicals and lectures are not very well...
8 years ago
This subject has quite a lot of content to get through in a short time. The labs were always hard to...
8 years ago
It can be a tough subject for somebody who hasn't done chemistry in high school, but going to the le...
8 years ago
mostly intro of organic chemistry and a bit of physical chem; not tricky :-)
8 years ago
Hard subject!!!!
8 years ago
The quizzes are easy! However, final exam was hard in my year. If you are good at math and can deal...
8 years ago
Study from quizlet instead not from those lengthy lectures. Very helpful if you have mastered Human...
9 years ago
so far my favourite subject in UTS!
fun, great lecturers, easy exam
9 years ago
Lots of content, lots of memorising
make sure do well in online quizzes because the exam is not ea...
9 years ago
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